Eye Exams Specialist

Marina Kotlyar, OD
Optometrist located in Midwood, Brooklyn, NY
At Grand Vision Eye Center in Brooklyn, NY, Dr. Kotlyar offers comprehensive eye exams to patients of all ages, identifying eye diseases and vision problems so the best and most appropriate treatment can be administered.
How often do I need to have an eye exam?
Most eye care societies recommend a complete dilated exam every one to three years for most people, depending upon the risk factors you may have for certain types of eye diseases, you age and whether or not you regularly wear contact lenses. Children need to have their first exam within the first year of life to look for early signs of vision problems, then again by age three and before entering first grade.
What happens during an eye exam?
An eye exam includes several tests to measure how well you see in different circumstances, including how well your eyes work together and how clearly you see objects at different distances. In addition to assessing your vision, your eye will also be examined for signs of disease or other problems that could affect your vision or your health.
What are floaters?
Floaters are tiny imperfections in the vitreous, or gel-like portion of the inner eye. When light passes into the eye, these imperfections create shadows on the light-sensitive retina at the back of the eye and we see tiny threads or dots in front of our vision. As we get older, floaters become more numerous and pronounced. Usually, they're nothing to be concerned about. But a sudden increase in the number of floaters can be an indication of an underlying problem that requires medical attention.
How can I tell if I need an eye exam?
In addition to seeing the eye doctor every one to three years or as often as recommended, you should also schedule an appointment anytime you have problems or concerns about your vision or other symptoms that could indicate a vision-related problem, including:
red or itchy eyes
blurry vision
chronic headaches
difficulty seeing at night
double vision
the appearance of flashing lights or many floaters
dry eyes
eye fatigue
difficulty focusing
Major Insurance Accepted
Please take a look at the following list of plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed below.